Our Generation: The Power of Technology


In my final class before college graduation, I realized my professor had taught me one important thing about finding a career: Our generation has the power of technology.

It seems obvious enough, considering the incredible statistics on social media users, and the casualty with which word-formatting documents accepts the spellings of Instagram and Facebook. Of course, I am no stranger to these technologies; but after studying the affects of these sites (like online bullying, personalized advertisements, not to mention password hacking), I find it hard to continue using them. Plus, there’s the inherent concern of what someone else will think or say about a post (don’t we only post for a reaction, anyway?)… and these cyclical thoughts are enough to drive a person insane.

But I think what my professor was getting at is something much deeper. Growing with the last decade of new technologies, our generation has developed an innate sense of branding, or creating an image for ourselves and therefore, our company. As these technologies are always changing, we learn quickly and have the ability to adapt to technological advancements, which can be transferred into the ability to problem-solve in the workplace.

Before this can happen, there is still one problem to be solved. That is, developing a generation of technological media socialites into one inherently capable of using technology for business profit. Ironically, I believe this means limiting the “like” and “share” buttons, and re-sensitizing through face-to-face interactions. In a sense, “real-world networking.” In a new business career, this will brand you as advanced in your generation – that you understand the many potential benefits that can result from proper use of technological media, or that you’ve at least outgrown your drunk-posting phase.

Of course, this isn’t just a show you’ll be putting on. Setting real limits for yourself on how you use personal social sites will allow you to showcase yourself as a focused and driven worker. In my own effort to step into the business world, I removed all of my social media accounts and spent a few months “off the grid.” After experiencing social media for myself and then through the recounts of others, it is obvious that young kids continue to exploit themselves online. But a more responsible generation is growing the potential of future technology.

So, consider it time to restructure social media platforms! Become part of the generation that builds the international market! Remember that our generation has the power of technology. After all, it’s only a click away. http://www.collegementoring.co