I Need Natural Looking Articles Rather Than SEO Friendly!


Business people focus on earning money and saving them. Their objective is to promote their product or website. Most of all the business users or the product they are promoting has a website. This website gives access to people all over the world. Websites are like a catalogue which contains all the information about the product, its owner and contact information. For example: in case of any cosmetic product say MAC. They have their own website where in people will come to know about the deals currently running and can purchase if they want. In this way, people can indirectly contact the store for their purchases. But having a website alone does not promote one’s business. To make people aware of the product, this website must be advertised. Entrepreneurs choose social media as a platform to promote their website. More than 92 % of the market has proved that social media marketing has enhanced the traffic to their websites by 80%.

Benefits Of Social Media Marketing

Advertising in social media has a lot of benefits. It has 100 % close coverage than outbound marketing. It also has higher number of followers trusting the brand name of the company advertising. Social media can be a boon for all the entrepreneurs as it can make opportunity for many people to post comments on the product through which new customers start to follow the website or product. If the brand is not familiar, the inbound traffic to the website will be only people who already know the brand or individuals who search using a keyword. It is not important to only post the product or website in the social media. There should be continuous posts that relate to the product or any new initiative taken. This will not make people forget about the website. One way to make the Product or website familiar is through SEO. SEO is a search engine optimization which is a process of optimizing the visibility of a website or a web page. The more frequently a site appears in the results, the more customers it would attract. As part of internet strategy, SEO focuses on how search engines work, what keywords are frequently used by the customers, which search engines are preferred etc. EDOT3 SEO Newcastle is an agency which helps customers reach top of the list for 10 years.

Natural Articles VS SEO Articles

SEO content is a content written to draw social media traffic. SEO articles or content mainly focus on keyword search, content organization, Content promotion and keyword optimization. The visibility of the website increases by sharing links in social media and building links to the websites. In this way, there will be more traffic to the websites. Articles are also a source of SEO content like news article and interviews. It captures more attention than a normal paragraph of content. The disadvantages of SEO include increased success. Once SEO gets into full swing, the success would be too much to handle. It also leads to getting noticed by more than target audiences. SEO article writing focus on keyword search, so if the SEO Company breaks the rules and brings the website to the top of the list, the website can be kicked out by the google penalty. Though there are certain SEO companies like the SEO Newcastle which provides quality work, it’s often hard for businesses to know who to trust. This can damage the whole website. It is better to write articles naturally starting with a little keyword search so you do not end up in less traffic.