Be future proof with skillshare


Humans are gifted with beautiful minds which can imagine, think and put in practice. Art is another gift that creative human minds can produce using its artistic skills. We have so many forms of arts and if we look back into ancient times drawing, painting and sculpting have found to be very old artwork forms. One of the oldest forms of of art which was recorded (documented) is visual arts. Today all the fields that falls under visual art work category are also incorporated as career electives in education system and people who master the skills in any of the visual art forms are of great demand. Learning things and mastering them is not meant for only few, it is all about sharing. Here are world class professionals in Designing, photography, writing, technology and business etc who are sharing their skills and knowledge through which is a global online community.

Online learning platform

Skillshare is a online platform which is created for the learners to enhance their skills to give the best in career. Thousands of online classes are given by expert tutors who have years of experience in the particular fields. These online classes are delivered through Lectures and videos and recorded and uploaded online. One can get access to the classes from anywhere in the world at anytime. Just that you have good internet connection you can take the classes at your convenience.

Being recognized as a cloud computing model, it usually saves data which is in digital form that is accessed directly through online and saves permanently especially in remote servers. This is the reason why these service providers are in short states that the data storage takes place in a remotely designed file storage servers with a specified bandwidth. Hence the utilization of cloud storages will be somewhat beneficial and besides that entitled with same sequence of drawbacks. But people most preferably use Google drive as an effective storage device.

Why join skillshare?

Joining as a member of skillshare community is very advantageous as it has many striking features. Skillshare launched its free android app so that you have easy access to the classes. Learners can take the class offline by downloading the session and save it for future reference. Anyone who wanted to sign in can avail the opportunity of one month free learning offered by premium membership. Key-feature of this learning platform is teaching and freelancing where tutoring is more interactive type rather than just lecturing. Learners can customize the classes according to their own interest for learning the skills and become expertise. Other advantages in skillshare community include connecting and sharing your views with other students in the community, hands-on practice sessions, and projects for each lesson, student internships, free classes and many more.