5 Must-Have Apps for College Students


These days, there are many applications that can make our lives easier, from calculating the tip at a restaurant to knowing where the closest bank is. The truth of the matter is that if you aren’t using apps, you are living in another century. This is especially the case for college students.

Right now, there are a plethora of amazing applications that can drastically simplify some of the most complicated tasks. Utilizing these apps can make studying easier, they can help saving money and they can make it aidin managing your daily tasks. Moreover, there are even applications that can help you connect with friends and family back home.

  1. Skype

One of the best apps is a simple one that millions of people use every day: Skype. Indeed, Skype is great if you are trying to connect with friends and family back home and it can be a great tool for connecting with potential employers in different countries. Moreover, Skype is essential if you are taking an online course and want to connect with other students.

  1. Dropbox

This is another great app that can make life easier. If you have a major presentation that requires a lot of photos, you may want to store those pics on Dropbox. Moreover, you can use Dropbox to send large emails or share files with classmates. If you have an email that is over 25 megabytes, which is usually the limit for emails, you can use Dropbox to send files that are 100 gigabytes or more. Indeed, you can even download Dropbox as an app on your phone, so that you can upload and download large files from the palm of your hand. You will quickly realize that this app is incredibly useful.

  1. Studious

If you are getting your mediation training from ACU or if you are training to become a CPA at another college, you may find it difficult to keep track of when and where all your exams are held. You may also find it difficult to stay on top of deadlines. With Studious, you can stay on top of all your tasks and manage to turn all of your assignments in on time. The truth is that you could be docked points or you could lose a whole grade for being late, which could be devastating to your GPA.

  1. Dictionary

When you are studying, writing a paper or working on an open book exam, having a dictionary handy can be incredibly helpful. Indeed, you want to be able to know what certain words are if you don’t know them. If you miss the definition of a certain word, you could lose the concept of an entire theory. Moreover, dictionary apps also come with a thesaurus, which can help if you are writing a paper and don’t want to write the same word over and over again.

  1. Venmo

On top of everything, you may want to download Venmo. This popular app can help you organize your finances and it can make it easier to stay on budget. The truth is that as a college student, you won’t have much money to manage, but with the money that you do have coming in, you want to be able to manage it efficiently.