The Best Ways to Accessorize Your iPhone

Your iPhone

So, you’ve got the latest iPhone 7 and you’re wondering how the heck you’re going to make it look different from everyone else’s. This is important for a lot of people to think about as everyone wants to make their smartphone unique to them. The good news for you is that there’s no shortage of various accessories that you can buy to customize your iPhone and to make it even more powerful than it already is.

Below, we’re going to take you through some of those top accessories. Keep reading to learn a bit more and see which ones you’re interested in!

Wireless Headphones

One of the biggest controversies that came along with the release of the iPhone 7 was the removal of the headphone jack. Everyone was wondering how they would be able to listen to their music without this feature! Even though the iPhone 7 does come with a new pair of headphones that work with the charging port, it’s a good idea to go ahead and invest in a pair of wireless headphones get on board with this trend.

Many smartphone and technology experts agree that the headphone jack is on its way out and wireless headphones are going to fully take over soon. And you don’t have to learn how to code or understand much about smartphones to understand why this is the case. Stay ahead of the curve with your own pair of wireless headphones or earbuds.

A Thin Phone Case

Of course, one of the best ways to customize your iPhone is to buy a phone case. However, no one wants one of those huge, bulky monsters that adds 10 pounds to your phone. Do a quick search online and you’ll find plenty of thin cases with various designs that you can make your own.

Lightning Dock

Getting a lightning dock for your iPhone is an ultimate way to customize your iPhone experience and improve the practicality of charging it. A lightning dock will allow you to charge your iPhone upright and listen to your music at the same time. Plus, you’re going to be able to choose a color of the dock that matches the color of your smartphone!

Portable Charger

We’ve all had those moments in our lives whenever our phones decide to die at the most inopportune times. Whether it’s on the bus ride home when you’re listening to your favorite music or when you’re waiting hours for that dentist appointment in boredom, you never want to be without a charge on your iPhone. That’s why another fantastic way to accessorize your iPhone and to add a ton of practicality is to invest in a quality portable charger. You’ll be able to keep this baby charged and with you for those unfortunate times when your iPhone decides to run out of battery life while you’re learning code from There won’t be anymore frustrating moments on the ride home without your music ever again!

There are tons of ways that you can accessorize and customize your new (or old!) iPhone. All of the above options are going to add tons to your iPhone’s uniqueness and practicality.