Is Computer Science the Right Major for You?


The computer science field is currently going through a boom. Where fifteen years ago the dot com world was truly a bubble about to burst; these days, tech companies actually found a successful business model and they are turning a profit. With this comes a great responsibility to update and improve systems. Not only is the business model online different, so is the way people view computers.

These days, everyone is online and staying connected. Because of this, the smartest field you can enter is computer science. Whether you go to Ohio University, or another college, you want to keep in mind is that there are many different types of computer science degrees, so it is important to do your research. Also, you want to consider a few questions to see if computer science is the right major for you.

Do You Love Computers?

Of course, if you want to enter the world of computer science, you must have a love for computers. While most people have a fondness for computers, you must have a passion for the digital world. This is one of the basic components of knowing whether computer science is the right major for you.

Do You See Yourself Coding and Working on Software?

When you study computer science in college, you will be working on a lot of coding and you developing software. If you don’t enjoy doing these things, you may want to reconsider and make your major something else entirely. The reality is that you will also be doing coding and software engineering when you graduate and get a job, so you have to position yourself for a full career in this field.

Do You Have the Disposition Necessary for coding?

Another way to know if computer science is the right major is to take a look at your disposition. Successful coders spend hours in front of a screen working in a different language of ones and zeroes. For some people, coding comes as second nature, like being able to compose a symphony. If you have always loved to code and if you are good at it, you may want to fine-tune your talents in an academic setting.

Do You Love the Computer Science Field?

Not only do you have to love computers, you also have to love the computer science field. You want to know about new developments, technologies and more. As a computer scientist, you will need to keep your fingers on the pulse of the field or industry. If you don’t, you may get left behind. The last thing you want is to get left behind, because an unsuccessful computer scientist is one that doesn’t keep up with the times and trends.

Do You Have a Penchant for Mathematics?

On top of everything, you need to get prepared for a lot of mathematics courses. This is especially important in the beginning of your degree program. The beginning courses will be prerequisites so that you can then move on to hardcoding. In the end, if you don’t enjoy math, or if math frustrates you, you may be in the wrong field.