Arrange to Receive this Archiving Software with a Free License


There are many companies that produce software for archiving files but none of these companies have a product that is as good MLtek Archive Manager. This product is a cut above the rest – so good that you can get this software with a free license. MLtek believes that after you test drive this product, you will be back to buy the full package. The company that does this is sure they have the best of all products for file management on the market.

What does it do?

This product has no proprietary storage and no IT agents needed to help with this software. This is just a:

  • Very simple
  • Cost effective
  • Highly reliable

This is the way to archive all the old content from your file servers. This software was especially designed to be the most flexible way to move huge quantities of files to 2nd line storage in a cost effective way. Unlike other software of this type it does not try to develop a database for managing these files.

Not cluttered up

This software by MLtek is not burdened down by reporting engines or mechanisms for proprietary storage or search functions as other archiving software. It works at the level of the file system and this enables it to seamlessly integrate with other solutions that a company might already be using. To put this in simpler terms, the product moves an unlimited number of files from 1st line storage to any old type storage while keeping for each file its NTPS permission, properties and file dates and does all of this in an efficient and seamless manner.

More efficient

For an idea of how efficient this software is, the largest file storage system that is at this time managed by Archive Manager is a system that has up to 3.4 PetaBytes. That is 3,400 TB of:

  • Unstructured files
  • Folders
  • Document storage

This huge storage is under the management by only a single copy of Archive Manager Datacenter edition.

It always gets the task done faster, more reliably and cheaper than any other software of this type on the market.

How does it do this?

This is possible because it simply does not build any databases to use in the storage of these files. All of the information regarding where files have been moved to is through the shrewd use of directory structures and file properties.

So download this program and a free license to take it for a test spin.